The privacy policy of the website

The following are the privacy rules of this website.
You must read this privacy policy carefully and agree to this privacy policy before becoming a user of this website. As part of the normal operating procedures of the services of this website, this website collects, uses and uses information about you. This privacy policy, as an attachment to the service agreement of this website, takes effect immediately after you register as a user of this website, and is binding on you and this website.
1. User identity restrictions
Minors (persons under the age of 18) and persons with restricted capacity are not eligible to register as users of this website and use the services of this website.
2. Personal data involved
The main purpose of this website to collect personal information is to provide you with a smooth, effective and tailor-made transaction experience. This website only collects the personal information about you that this website believes is necessary for this purpose and to achieve this purpose. At any time, this website will not disclose users’ private information to third parties.
This website uses data collection devices such as “Cookies” on certain pages of this website. “Cookies” are small files set on your hard drive to help this website provide you with tailor-made services. This website also provides certain functions that can only be obtained through the use of “Cookies”. This website also uses “Cookies” to enable you to reduce the number of times you enter your password within a certain period of time. “Cookies” can also assist this website to provide information specifically tailored to your interests.
If you deliver personal communication information (such as mobile phone text messages, emails or letters) to this website, or if other users or third parties send communication information about your activities or logins on this website, this website can Collect this information in your special file.
3. Use of your information on this website
You agree that this website may use personal information about you (including but not limited to the information in your files held by this website, and other information obtained by this website from your current and previous activities on this website) to Resolve disputes, mediate disputes, help ensure safe transactions on this website, and implement the user agreement of this website. Sometimes this website may investigate multiple users to identify problems or resolve disputes. In particular, this website can review your information to distinguish users who use multiple usernames or aliases. In order to limit fraud, illegal or other criminal activities on the website and protect this website from harm, you agree that this website can evaluate your personal data through manual or automatic procedures.
You agree that this website can use your personal data to improve the usage rate of this website, improve the content and product promotion form of this website, and make the content, design and service of this website more in line with user requirements. These uses can improve the pages of this website to adjust the pages of this website to better meet your needs, so that you can get a smoother, effective, safe and tailor-made transaction experience when using the services of this website.
You agree that this website will use your email information to contact you and (in some cases) deliver you information that is tailored to your interests, such as targeted advertising banners, administrative notices, product offerings, and Communications about your use of this website. Your acceptance of the service agreement and privacy clause is your express consent to receive these materials.
4. Modification or deletion of your information on this website
You can authorize this website to help you modify all personal information you fill in this website. If you violate the rules or legal provisions of this website such as the service agreement, this website has the right to delete your personal data in the website database, close your account, or restrict your use of this website after you are notified by email.
5. Disclosure of your information on this website
This website adopts industry standard practices to protect your personal information. This website has the right to provide services or services to judicial authorities and other government departments, social organizations or groups, and other third parties in accordance with relevant laws and regulatory requirements, risk control requirements of this website, and related agreements. The partner organization provides your personal information. In the event that you fail to perform your obligations in accordance with the service agreement, intermediary agreement or loan (guarantee) agreement signed with the enterprise user of this website, this website has the right to perform your obligations according to your own judgment or to agree with the transaction. Other users related to the transaction request to disclose your personal information and make comments.
6. Your use of other users’ data
In the trading activities provided by this website, you have no right to request this website to provide the personal data of other users, unless the following conditions are met:
(1) You have sued other users for breach of contract in the activities of this website to the court;
(2) This website has its business license revoked, dissolved, liquidated, declared bankrupt, or other circumstances that prevent you from recovering the principal and interest of the loan.
Seven, email
You may not use the services provided by this website or other email forwarding services to send spam or other content that may affect the operation of the system of this website or violate the user agreement or privacy clauses of this website.
If you use the services of this website to send emails to an email address that is not registered on this website, this website will not use the email address to send your email for any other purpose. This website does not rent or sell these email addresses. This website does not permanently store e-mail messages or e-mail addresses.
Eight, the security of the password
You are responsible for all actions taken using your username and password. Therefore, this website recommends that you do not disclose your username and password on this website to any third party.
Nine, rule modification
This website may modify this privacy policy from time to time in accordance with your opinions and needs of this website to accurately reflect the data collection and disclosure practices of this website. All amendments to these terms will automatically take effect after the relevant amendments are published on this website or on the date specified in these terms.